CSS Properties
Properties are listed in alphabetical order below. Each property has examples of possible values beneath it. Properties are not listed if they are not widely supported or if they are only supported by Internet Explorer. The properties are followed by some common values that properties may contain. CSS3 properties are not listed below but there are links at the bottom to other CSS3 references.
- background:
#ffffff transparent url(images/pattern.gif) fixed /* background doesn't move when page scrolls */ repeat repeat-x /* tile an image horizontal only */ repeat-y /* tile an image vertical only */ no-repeat top left center right bottom 2px 1px /* exact positioning, from left top */
#footer {
background:transparent url(images/footer.gif) repeat-x bottom;
} - background-attachment:
- background-color:
- background-image:
- background-position:
2px 1px
- background-repeat:
- border:
1px none solid dashed dotted double /* needs at least 3px to see effect */ ridge /* regular 3d border needs at least 4px to see effect */ groove /* kind of strange, needs at least 4px to see effect */ inset /* like a recessed bevel */ outset /* like a button bevel */ #000000
div {
border:2px solid #ffffff;
}Browser Differences:
- borders are drawn INSIDE the container in IE, Opera 7.
- borders are drawn OUTSIDE the container in Firefox, Safari. (part of the annoying “box model” conflict)
- border-collapse:
- border-top:
- (set the border on one side)
- border-right:
- (set the border on one side)
- border-bottom:
- (set the border on one side)
- border-left:
- (set the border on one side)
- bottom:
4px /* positions object 4px from the bottom of its container */ 50%
- clear:
Clears a “floated” element. See also:float:
- clip:
rect(top left bottom right)
- color:
#000000 /* #RRGGBB, each digit is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f */ rgb(0,0,0) /* (R,G,B), each digit is 0 to 255, does NOT work everywhere */ aqua /* #00ffff */ black /* #000000 */ blue /* #0000ff */ fuchsia /* #ff00ff */ gray /* #808080 */ green /* #008000 */ lime /* #00ff00 */ maroon /* #800000 */ navy /* #000080 */ olive /* #808000 */ purple /* #800080 */ red /* #ff0000 */ silver /* #c0c0c0 */ orange /* #ffa500 */ teal /* #008080 */ white /* #ffffff */ yellow /* #ffff00 */
- cursor:
auto crosshair default pointer /* The cursor that indicates a link on rollover */ move N-resize /* N can be replaced with S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW */ text /* Usually rendered as an I-bar */ wait /* Usually rendered as a watch or hourglass */ help
- display:
none /* Makes the element disappear */ block inline
- float:
- font-family:
verdana,helvetica,sans-serif /* easiest to read at small sizes and on all computers */ arial,helvetica,sans-serif times,times new roman,serif courier new,courier,monospace cursive /* unpredictable */ fantasy /* unpredictable */
- A font only works for people who have that font installed on their computer.
- Take into consideration both Windows and Macintosh users.
- Always include a generic font at the end of the font list.
- font-size:
10px /* very small */ 11px /* small to normal depending on font */ 12px /* normal */ 16px /* titles */ 40px /* really big */ 0.5em /* relative to parent element */ larger /* relative to parent element */ smaller /* relative to parent element */ xx-small /* like HTML H6 */ x-small small /* like HTML H5 */ medium /* like HTML H4 */ large /* like HTML H3 */ x-large /* like HTML H2 */ xx-large /* like HTML H1 */
- font-style:
normal italic oblique /* same as italic */
- font-variant:
- font-weight:
- height:
- left:
- (Positions an element from the left-hand edge of its container.)
- letter-spacing:
(Called “kerning” in Typography.)- line-height:
normal 130% /* percentage of the font-size, 130 gives a nice look */ 10px /* scrunch 11px font lines together */
(Called “Ledding” in Typography.)
- list-style:
none disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-alpha upper-alpha lower-greek lower-alpha lower-latin upper-alpha upper-latin url(images/bullet.gif)
Note: If you want a custom bullet image, it works better this way:
ul {margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none;}
li {
margin:0 0 6px 0; padding:0 0 0 16px; /* left padding for bullet image */
background:transparent url(images/bullet.gif) no-repeat;
} - margin:
0 /* to turn all margins off, no unit is necessary */ 4px /* use a single value for the same margin on all sides */ 2px 0 2px 0 /* specify separate top, right, bottom, left margins (clockwise from top) */ auto /* set right AND left to auto, element is centered */
Margins add transparent space OUTSIDE the background and border.
img {margin:2px 0 2px 0;}
div (margin: 4px auto 10px auto;} /* div will be horizontally centered */
- margin-top:
- (set the margin on one side)
- margin-right:
- (set the margin on one side)
- margin-bottom:
- (set the margin on one side)
- margin-left:
- (set the margin on one side)
- min-height:
- Not supported in IE so its fairly useless
- min-width:
- Not supported in IE so its fairly useless
- overflow:
visible hidden scroll auto
- padding:
0 /* to turn all padding off, no unit is necessary */ 4px /* use a single unit for even padding on all sides */ 2px 0 2px 0 /* specify separate top, right, bottom, left padding (clockwise from top) */
(Padding adds space INSIDE the background and border.)
- padding-top:
- (set the padding on one side)
- padding-right:
- (set the padding on one side)
- padding-bottom:
- (set the padding on one side)
- padding-left:
- (set the padding on one side)
- position:
static /* where it would "normally" be in the html flow */ absolute /* position inside the parent element */ relative /* position relative to where it would "normally" be */ fixed /* do not scroll the element as the page scrolls */
- right:
(Positions an element from the right-hand edge of its container.)- text-align:
left right center justify /* makes even left and right margins, like a newspaper column */
- text-decoration:
none underline overline line-through
- text-transform:
- top:
- (Positions an element from the top edge of its container.)
- vertical-align:
baseline middle sub /* do not use, messes up line spacing, see below */ super /* do not use, messes up line spacing, see below */ text-top text-bottom
(Making superscripts and subscripts without messing up the line spacing:)
.sups {position:relative; top:-4px;}
.subs {position:relative; top:4px;}
Here's a superscript<span class="sups">1</span>.
- visibility:
hidden /* the element will still influence other elements on the page */ visible
(To remove the element completely, use
instead.) - white-space:
normal nowrap /* do not wrap a line until a line break, somewhat buggy in some browsers */ pre /* like using <pre> in HTML, requires "strict" mode for IE 6 */
- width:
- z-index:
5 /* a DIV with a z-index of 5 will be "above" those with 4 or lower */
Z-index only applies to other objects in the same container.
Printable Version with extra CSS3 rules
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