Trophies online

Trophies are a good example of products that you can sell online. They are not to heavy and consistent in weight so you calculate the shipping reliably which is always important in an online environment- for many eCommerce store owners shipping can be a killer  to calculate and if too high can put off buyers. As […]

How to leverage browser caching

Googles PageSpeed Insights tool often reports that you should consider fixing levering browser caching . This is often one of the easiest options to increase your score on the insights tool. Below is an explanation of what Brower caching exactly is and how to leverage brower caching.   What is browser caching? Browser caching stores […]

html Colours

HTML color codes Colour codes are ways of representing the colours we see everyday in a format that a computer can interpret and display. There are a variety of formats, including Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values, and HTML color names, amongst others. HEX COLOR CODES The most popular are Hex color codes; three […]

CSS Reference sheet

CSS Properties Properties are listed in alphabetical order below. Each property has examples of possible values beneath it. Properties are not listed if they are not widely supported or if they are only supported by Internet Explorer. The properties are followed by some common values that properties may contain. CSS3 properties are not listed below […]

Free images and videos from Pixabay

All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CCO. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. Pixabay does have some premium images in their results but these are clearly marked with the shutterstock watermark […]

Free image resource is another awesome website which you can download free images from and you don’t need to attribute where they come from or the photographer (although I think it would be nice if you did 🙂 and they are copyright free. All their photos that are uploaded to the site are released under Creative Commons […]

HTML5 Tag list

Below is a list of the tags (or elements) supported in HTML5. This list is generally based on the W3C HTML5 specification, but may also include elements that are only in the WHATWG HTML Living Standard. For an explanation of the differences between the WHATWG and the W3C versions of HTML, Many tag also are in […]

Onpage SEO quick checklist

Before you begin make sure that you have identified the “key phrase” (2-5 word phrase you want the page to rank highly in the search engines for) for each page then follow this onpage SEO quick checklist. The identification of the key phrases for your pages I think should be done quite early in the […]

3 Elevator Pitch Templates

If you aren’t a natural salesman then the thought of having to deliver an elevator pitch of less than 30 seconds can take you a life time to prepare but the 3 templates below from the Shopify blog and specifically Braveen Kumar a “content crafter” (don’t you just love the names new jobs are being […]